Is "some" Enough?
Acts 17:19-20 (19) And they took hold of him and brought him to the Areopagus, saying, "May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? (20) For you bring some strange things to our ears. We wish to know therefore what these things mean." (ESV)
Acts 17:34 But some men joined him and believed, among whom also were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.
OB: The Holy Spirit gave Paul an opportunity. He noticed the ‘To the unknown god’ inscription on a altar and used that to witness to the people of the city. When they hear these things, they became curious and wanted to know more. What caused this desire? This is a perfect example of how the Holy Spirit works. He gave Paul the insight to bring to the people and what they need to hear, so the Holy Spirit was at work in Paul and secondly, the Holy Spirit stirred interest in the people. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings the reality of Jesus to the hearts of men. At the end of this passage is shows us that “some men joined him and believed” We must recognize that it wasn’t Paul alone who brought these men to believe and the reality is that not every witness experience will bring some to faith, because as we see hear other were not convince.
AP: The question is this: Can you and I be satisfied with “some” and is some enough? When we recognize that it is the Holy Spirit that give us opportunity and that it is not just us creating an opportunity out of nothing then we need to OK with what opportunities he gives. I don’t want to the one trying to manipulate people into heaven. I instead want the Holy Spirit to use me where and when He wants to use me. If all get saved, great; some get saved, then great; if none get saved, but I am still being obedient to the Holy Spirit, then even that needs to be OK. Further, if it is the Holy Spirit who does the convicting and convincing then we are just a vessel to carry his message and respond when he gives us the opportunity. I am not responsible for someone eternity, but I am responsible to respond to the Holy Spirit when he tells me to do something. So instead of trying to manufacture a witness opportunity and try to convince someone on my own, I must recognize when the Holy Spirit is nudging me to say something and or do something, and I have faith through my obedience and His power “some” will believe.
PR: Father God, you are so awesome in your ways and your ways go so far beyond my ways and my understandings. I want to be obedient and not manipulative. It is through your power and my participation that people will find you. You could do all on your own and sometimes you do, but you have made it clear by this passage and others, that you want to use me as you used Paul and my others in the Bible. I give myself to be ready for the amazing opportunities you will open up for me to speak your word! Love you Father, in Jesus name amen